David Vicentin

David Vicentin Senior Agile/Lean Consultant

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David Vicentin has delivered Operational Excellence and Agile implementation for the past 20 years as a management consultant.  His clients come from diverse industries in North America, South America and Europe.

Working at different organizational levels from staff to senior management, his focus is to achieve sustainably higher results.  David has trained, mentored and coached thousands of people for many businesses, with a focus on increasing performance and improving business results.  David is a consultant, coach, facilitator, and trainer at all organizational levels.

As an Industrial Engineer, Master in Economics and Finance and Master Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma, his ability to evolve people results in service delivery which increases value, reduces cost and improves both quality and productivity for his clients.

Facilitator of more than 250 projects using DMAIC, DMADV, RCA, Kaizen, FMEA and SCRUM, he focuses on cost reduction, quality and productivity improvements, cash flow improvement and customer satisfaction.

Recently, David has increased his focus on business results with coaching and training on design thinking, lean startup, marketing, sales, product management and business strategy.

David has lead projects and workshops in marketing, materials/logistics, manufacturing, purchases, finance, sales, R&D and information technology areas.  David specializes in Productivity Techniques, Management Systems and, Finance focused to increase business results.

David coordinates and leads projects in many countries as he is fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

David joined BERTEIG in July 2017.

Select Client List:

  • Financial Services: HSBC, Mastercard, Scotiabank, Great West Life, Concentra, BMO
  • Automotive: Honda, Volkswagon, Rolls Royce, Trader.ca, Alberta Motor Association (AMA)
  • Healthcare: Sick Kids Foundation, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
  • Other: Coca-Cola, LoyaltyOne, SITA, HOOPP

Certifications and Accreditations:

  • Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT), Team Kanban Practitioner (TKP), Kanban Management Professional (KMP)
  • Certified Scrum Professional (CSP-SM), Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO), Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Product Owner (CSPO)
  • Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt (LSSMBB), Design Thinking Trainer (DTT)
  • Leadership Circle Profile (LCP), Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), ICAgile Certified Trainer
  • BSc. Production Engineering (POLI-USP), Master in Finance and Economics (Fundacao Getulio Vargas – FGV)

Experience Summary:

Over 20 years’ experience in designing and delivering training, coaching, consulting and mentoring on business topics, Lean Six Sigma and Agile Methods.


“Derived from the fact that our organization has approximately 100,000 employees, it is an organization with a lot of structure, processes, protocols, therefore the projects carried out have long and bureaucratic project flows, however, due to needs and priorities we challenge ourselves to be able to perform a disruptive technological tool, with the objective that thousands of our employees are empowered and have a virtual library of contents and information that will help them to fulfill their roles.
With this Agile accompaniment we have broken paradigms, in this specific project, Agile techniques (Scrum) has given us the necessary support to convince employees that change of mentality, mainly with a collaboration approach, incremental deliveries, better way in the form of negotiation with internal clients, external (suppliers) and the most important thing as we do from day 1 more tangible results.
Thanks to Coach David we have found the right paths in the way that intervenes and guides us promptly in the project.” (translated from Spanish) – Andrés L Nava, Talent Development Leader, Coca-Cola

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